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KQED's Forum: Prop. 37: The Food Fight over GMO Labeling

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A handful of GMO (genetically modified organism) Roundup Ready soybeans. Scott Olson/Getty Images
A handful of GMO (genetically modified organism) Roundup Ready soybeans. Scott Olson/Getty Images

Should California require labeling of genetically modified foods? That's the goal of Proposition 37 on the November state ballot. Supporters say GMO labeling will provide California consumers with valuable information, while detractors claim it will simply add unnecessary confusion and cost to the food system.

Original Broadcast: Thu, Sep 27, 2012 -- 10:00 AM

KQED's Forum: Prop. 37: The Food Fight over GMO Labeling

KQED's Forum: Prop. 37: The Food Fight over GMO Labeling

Host: Michael Krasny

  • Belinda Martineau, principal editor and scientist at UC Davis who helped commercialize the world's first genetically engineered (GE) wholefood and a supporter of Prop. 37
  • Bob Goldberg, professor in the Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at UCLA and author of one of the ballot arguments opposed to Prop. 37
  • Greg Palla, executive vice president and general manager of the San Joaquin Valley Quality Cotton Growers Association and member of a family farming operation in its 100th year of business in California
  • Stacy Malkan, spokesperson for Yes on 37, Right to Know, co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and author of "Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry"


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