If the beginning of January feels a little slim on the live music front, things should ramp back up into the usual overwhelming number of interesting shows by the month’s end. Several young local bands recently came onto our radar — including Churches, Poor Sons, and Primitive Hearts — and they’re all partaking in locals-heavy bills in the next few weeks.
On the coming-into-town front, it seems that, by sheer coincidence, a number of the month’s highlights all offer variations on electronic pop. From the most immediate and dance-oriented, like Fujiya and Miyagi, to the more experimental, including High Places and Religious to Damn, synth fans have a lot to get excited about in January. Enjoy this mix of thirteen tunes and then go see some shows!
About the bands:
Deleted Scenes (“Bedbedbedbedbed”) is touring behind Young People’s Church of the Air, the D.C. band’s latest collection of psych-pop. A Lull and Ravenna Woods also perform at the Rickshaw Stop on January 23.
Brainstorm (“Forms Without a Frame”) is a big-sounding experimental pop duo from Portland. The band’s touring comes to Vitus on January 5 and the Hemlock Tavern on the 1/11.