“Monstress” is loosely based on an actual event, or rather, an actual movie: years ago, I read about a movie deemed by a group of critics as the worst movie ever made; a horror/sci-fi flick made of two films — one from the Philippines, one from the US — spliced together. I hadn’t watched the movie, but I had fun imagining what it might have been like making it. But more importantly, the idea of making this movie seemed packed with stuff I like working with — those weird moments in history shared by two different countries, the attempt at finding a real emotional experience in the midst of so much foolishness and stupidity. The story went through many drafts, and while it is what it is, I’m sad that Stefanie Powers (Hart to Hart, The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.), who appeared in earlier versions (she was the original Lorena Valdez whom Reva Gogo replaces) couldn’t make the final cut. So for now, I’ll dedicate this story to Ms. Powers, wherever she is…