Originally premiered in the 1999 Best of PlayGround Festival, The Mistaken Variations was later adapted into a larger play, Chain Reactions, which won the Best of the SF Fringe Festival in 2000. Of this fugue-like work for four voices, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote: “The Mistaken Variations turns the disparate imagery of stoplights, a bachelor’s fishbowl, a coma and pregnancy into a ravishing meditation on life’s patterns and uncertainties.”
The Mistaken Variations premiered at the 3rd Annual Best of PlayGround Festival in San Francisco on June 17, 1999.
Woman: Molly Noble
Physicist: Julia McNeal
Man: Eric Fraisher Hayes
Bachelor: Mick Mize
Directed by Jim Kleinmann and presented by PlayGround.
String Quartet No. 5 by Philip Glass, performed by Kronos Quartet
© 1991 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. Used by Permission.