For much of 2020, the internet joked about us being trapped in the worst timeline. But something seems to have happened during last Saturday’s post-election celebrations that very quietly transitioned the world into another timeline—a deeply surreal one in which everything appears to be a parody of itself. In fact, so much weird crap transpired over the past seven days, it casually transformed 2020’s go-to phrase from “I can’t believe this is happening!” to “Dude—did that really happen?”
Observe the evidence in these 6 easy steps.
1. The Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle
Minutes after Joe Biden was declared president-elect on Saturday, Rudy Giuliani held a press conference in the dilapidated parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, after a White House staffer mistook it for the luxury hotel. That the location was directly next to a sex shop named Fantasy Island and a crematorium did not deter Giuliani from moving forward with the event.
At first, people assumed headlines about the event were made up.