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A One-Stop Seasonal Gift Shop at the Renegade Craft Fair

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 (Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash)

Uh-oh, it’s that time of year again: the point after Halloween when you get all focused on planning your Thanksgiving travel, and forget entirely about that festive section of December when you’re supposed to actually give people stuff.

A lot of us run this routine annually. Luckily, some of us have gotten rescued by Renegade Craft Fair year-in, year-out, since it first arrived in San Francisco. (Renegade was founded in Chicago in 2003, but now takes place twice a year in 11 American cities.)

Not only is the winter fair a one-stop seasonal shop, it covers all the best gift bases—jewelry, beauty, decor, fashion, toys, art, candy—and does it in a style that feels warm and personal. That’s thanks to the independent thinkers who hand-make all of the contemporary crafts on offer. Think of it as Etsy IRL, minus shipping delays, plus bonus food trucks.

Renegade San Francisco now attracts 200+ creatives and 17,500 visitors per fair. Here’s a taste of last year’s event, which helps demonstrate why it’s so enduringly popular. (And yes, those are porcelain butt vases.)


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