Oscar Grant’s death on Jan. 1, 2009 forever shifted the discourse surrounding police brutality, catalyzing a nationwide movement for racial justice.
To mark the 10th anniversary of his death, we want to hear from you. Through the first week of January, KQED Arts will provide a platform for respectful reflection. We invite you to share how Oscar Grant’s life—and death—impacted your life, changed your perspective, your family and your community.
Did it affect your views on law enforcement? What changes do you wish had come as a result of the shooting? Did it inspire you to take action?
We invite you to share your reflections by writing a message to Oscar Grant, whether it’s just a sentence or a full letter. If you could tell him anything 10 years after his death, what would you say?
You can read a sample letter from KQED Arts’ Pendarvis Harshaw here.
Here’s how:
- Address your message with “Dear Oscar Grant” using the form below (it’s also accessible here: bit.ly/DearOscarGrantForm).
- Leave a voicemail or text your thoughts to our private KQED hotline at (510) 853-9328, with your message, name and city.
Privacy notice: KQED is gathering these stories for our reporting and Oscar’s family, and will not share your information with third parties. Your contact information will not be published, but we may contact you to expand your response into an audio segment or story. We may also feature your reflections on KQED’s website, social media or air. By submitting, you give KQED permission to edit your letter for clarity and length. Contributors must be over the age of 13. We welcome responses from youth ages 13–18, but they will require parent and/or teacher permission.