According to a quick survey of his one-man show at the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, here’s what Mill Valley-based artist Zio Ziegler is interested in at this very moment: mouths, eyes and other physical orbits; Basquiat’s use of blue and black; Pacific Northwest totems; the brown linen back of Francis Bacon’s canvases; Mesoamerican narrative art; de Kooning’s yellow palette; and the actress Tania Raymonde (his fiancée and the character Brittany Gold on Goliath).
He also checks his street art origins, Cubism, and the notion of a “metasapien,” which Ziegler allegedly told middle-aged museum staff is his take on man’s self-referential nature but which the kids know refers to self-important internet trolls.
And that’s just today. Tomorrow, it’s fairly guaranteed to be a new collection of different somethings (Raymonde hopefully still included). Just now 30, Ziegler is clearly afire with all the many things there are to do in this one single life that each of us gets.

The darling of tech’s emerging art collector’s market, Ziegler began his career as a designer and street muralist. Today his paintings line the walls of such corporations as Lyft, Facebook, Google, Medium, and the mega-like. His designs for Vans shoes are legendary and his work with the Arte Sempre brand of skate culture clothes is hot.
In The Fourth Wall, Ziegler’s first solo museum show, Marin MOCA offers us a chance to catch him just where he is now. Composed entirely of pieces made over the past two years, Ziegler updated some of the “older” works for this exhibit, grabbing a brush to overlay finished canvases with new gestures, some of which aren’t still quite dry.