The Guggenheim Foundation today named its 2017 fellows, and 16 are from Northern California, including Keith Hennessy, a San Francisco choreographer.
“It’s pretty dramatic. It’s pretty exciting. We did apply for it, so we knew it was possible,” he says.
Hennessy and the other fellows, all what the Guggenheim Foundation calls “advanced professionals,” will get about $50,000 in an unrestricted grant.

Other Bay Area recipients include scholars in the fields of computer science and psychology, and U.C. Berkeley Professor and composer Cindy Cox.
Jesse Rodin, an associate professor at Stanford, also won a Guggenheim. He’s a specialist in late medieval and renaissance music, and leads a vocal ensemble that recently released a recording of music by Guillaume Du Fay. Rodin was amazed to discover that his grandfather won a Guggenheim in 1929.