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Turning the President's Tweets Into Tiny Little Songs

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 (Illustration: Gabe Meline)

As others have pointed out, there’s a big difference between hearing President Trump speak and reading a transcription of his comments.


Ideas which might have appeared to have some weight and import when delivered from a podium in front of a cheering crowd suddenly, on paper, beg further investigation. At times, the only apt descriptor is “word salad.”

And then there’s the song project Wonkles, which takes this idea a step further by contextualizing Trump’s tweets in song form. You can hear the results for yourself in one of the many tiny little songs on the Wonkles website.

Let’s start with “How Often I am Right”:



Now, I don’t know about you, but imagining these words as sung by a skinny Ryan Adams-type neo-folksinger with greasy hair tucked under his fedora while perched on a stool onstage at Freight & Salvage really gives them a new meaning.

Let’s try “Losers and Haters”:


It’s a little bit… fun, right? According to the project’s mission statement, that’s part of the purpose — to combat weariness:

I have two goals for this ongoing project. One is to laugh which helps all of us deal with the high anxiety of our times. The second is to shine new light on the absurd, troubled and baffling mind of our 45th President. There’s something utterly satisfying when I hear his words sung in an earnest lilting voice.

One more before we go. Who can forget this classic?


Each song on the Wonkles site is subtitled the same way: “Hum along in disbelief as our 45th president crushes your dreams.”

You can hear more here.

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