Ready for a poor (wo)man’s Outside Lands? You won’t have to wait long: tomorrow The Bay Bridged and Tiny Telephone are presenting the second annual Phono Del Sol: Music and Food Festival in San Francisco’s Potrero Del Sol park for the low price of $7! From noon to 6pm get out and discover new bands in a relaxed outdoor setting while enjoying nom-worthy snacks from gourmet food trucks. Want to start listening while you get ready? Here’s a sneak preview of what the lineup has to offer. Don’t forget to buy your tickets at
The Fresh & Onlys
With music that is at once dreamy and down to earth, this is a San Franciscan garage band that you wouldn’t mind having as a neighbor. Their music video for “Waterfall” is avant-garde enough for any gallery in the city, yet their psychedelic pop-rock is best suited for an open air festival like Phono del Sol. The band is currently working on a follow-up to their 2010 album, Play It Strange, and is sure to unveil some of their most recent work on Saturday.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
This band may be the best musical talent imported from New Zealand since Flight of the Concords and Gotye/Kimbra. Currently based in Portland, Oregon, this trio knows how to produce catchy singles that blend retro and futuristic influences. Each song is an infectious mix of humming electric guitars and echoing falsettos that you’ll want to listen to on repeat. “How Can U Luv Me” sounds like a pop song received as a transmission from outer space. Don’t miss the opportunity to make contact with these “aliens.”