See the Academy Award-nominated film hailed as "one of the most poignant, poetic and beautiful movies of the year" at Alamo Drafthouse SF. Moonlight, Directed by Barry Jenkins, follows the life of one African-American man during three key periods in his life. In each, his strength as a son, a man, and a partner will be tested. It is an intensely personal film, by turns romantic and heartbreaking, beautifully nuanced and gorgeously shot.
Fill out the form below for a chance to win tickets.
From all entries, we’ll randomly select two winners for a pair of tickets (worth $10 per ticket). Deadline to enter is Wednesday, February 8 at 11:59 pm. Winners will be notified by e-mail on Thursday, February 9 and tickets will be held at Will Call. You must be a California resident and 18 years or older to participate. Employees of KQED are not eligible to enter.