The iconic Masterpiece series is drawing to a close, but you could win the ultimate "Downton Farewell" package: A night's stay for two at San Francisco's historic Palace hotel, with afternoon tea!

It's the end of an era. After five glorious years on KQED 9, Downton Abbey's last-ever episode is on Sunday, March 6.
But don't despair, Downton devotees. To ease the pain, we're offering one lucky winner the ultimate Crawley-inspired Downton Farewell package: A night's stay for two at the historic Palace Hotel in downtown San Francisco! To complete the Downton Abbey atmosphere, our friends at the Palace are also offering a complimentary afternoon tea fit for Lady Mary, to be taken in The Garden Court at the Palace.
How, you ask, do you get a chance to win this posh prize package? It’s simple: Just repost this Downton Abbey finale image to Twitter, Instagram or KQED’s Facebook Page Timeline with the words "I need that Downton Farewell Package, KQED" and the hashtag #DowntonFarewellContest.

We’ll collect all entries that use the hashtag and choose one lucky winner at random, who'll receive a Saturday night's stay and a Saturday Signature Tea for two at the Palace Hotel.