The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling, with public events that are broadcasted each Saturday at 10pm on KQED Public Radio (88.5.)
AGE: Prepare a five-minute story about the onslaught of minutes and years. Age is a bonus for cheese and wine and professors but a serious detriment to athletes and bananas. Bring tales of the folly and vigor of youth or the wisdom of age. Expiration dates and age discrimination. Cougars, jailbait, sugar daddies. Stories of growing up too fast, battling the ravages of time or finding contentment in your bracket.
We've got five pairs of tickets to give away to their Wednesday, July 11 show at Freight & Salvage in Berkeley.
Fill out the form below for a chance to win a pair of tickets and to receive weekly updates about Bay Area art and culture.