Socio-political comedian, activist, and Emmy-winning CNN host W. Kamau Bell kicks off our groundbreaking new series inviting the major thinkers of our time to host and curate a concert and give us unique insights into their passions. This series will be a musical journey to unexpected and uncharted territory with your Oakland Symphony!
We're giving away two pairs of tickets plus a poster to W. Kamau Bell's Playlist on Friday, January 19 at 8:00 p.m.
Guest artists include Jazz Mafia, Moorea Dickason, Elephantine, T-Sisters, and the Oakland Symphony Chamber Chorus. And of course, Kamau will be there to host!
How to win: Fill out the form below for a chance to win a pair of tickets and to receive weekly updates about Bay Area art and culture.

From all entries we'll randomly select three winners for a pair of tickets and poster (valued at $225). Deadline to enter is Sunday, January 14 at 11:59 AM. Winners will be announced that same day, and tickets will be held at Will Call and the Paramount Theatre box office. You must be a California resident and 18 years or older to participate. Employees of KQED are not eligible to enter. Limit one entry per person.