What do we ask of you, our audience?What do we ask of you, our audience?

We’re committed to ensuring that our online spaces are safe and constructive. On our website, all users agree to abide by our Terms of Service. A few of these terms are summarized here, but please read the full version.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age or, if you are over the age of 13 but under 18, get the permission of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to register for certain features of the website. Please don’t submit any information about yourself to us if you are under the age of 13.
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  • We take copyright seriously, and we follow the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (at copyright.gov) we've outlined in the full version.
    Please use common sense when engaging in our interactive areas or posting user-generated content. See more guidelines in the full version.
  • Don’t modify or retransmit our podcasts or use them for nonpersonal purposes.
  • Please abide by applicable law.

We encourage comments in specific areas of our website. Those include our programs Forum and Perspectives, and blogs such as MindShift and Future of You. Readers can comment on general news and information articles on Facebook.

Where comments are available, the threads are open for a minimum of two weeks. All commenters on kqed.org and on our social media channels must adhere to our Community Discussion Guidelines so we can ensure comments are respectful and relevant to the topic of conversation. You’ll see in the guidelines that comments are reviewed by KQED editors after they have been submitted and are live. This approach is considered "post moderation," which presumes a level of trust in our commenters. KQED editors read all comments and use our guidelines to determine if a specific comment should be edited or removed and the commenter notified. KQED does not assume any liability for content posted by others. KQED uses Disqus (disqus.com), an outside commenting platform also used by PBS and NPR. In order to comment, a valid email address is required, which allows us to contact the commenter in the event there is a question or issue with something they've posted.

KQED does not make our reporters' email addresses public; however, several staff reporters do promote their Twitter handles as part of their article bylines. Reporter bylines are located on the top of each article on our website. You can learn more about them and see their recent articles by clicking on their names.

Do you have questions about our policies to ensure kqed.org is a safe and constructive space? Let us know in the form below.

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