KQED Board of Directors and Community Advisory Panel Meeting Schedule 2014KQED Board of Directors and Community Advisory Panel Meeting Schedule 2014
2014 KQED Community Advisory Panel Meetings
10 Wed 6-8:30pm (Board Room)
18 Tue 6-8:30pm (Board Room)
Created 3/25/14
2014 KQED Board of Directors Meetings
16 Thu Strategic Planning Committee 3-5:30pm (Board Room)
28 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
5 Wed Executive Committee 1:30-3pm (Gunderson Dettmer Offices)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider matters related to individual employees.
11 Tue Investment Committee 3-5pm (Conference Room C)
13 Thu Board of Directors Meeting 3-6pm (Board Room)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider matters related to individual employees.
13 Thu Finance Committee 1:30-3pm (Conference Room I)
19 Wed Education Task Force 2-4pm (Board Room)
25 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
3 Mon Marketing Task Force 4:30-6pm (Conference Room I)
10 Mon Strategic Planning Committee 12-1:30pm (Board Room)
19 Wed Major Gifts Committee 3-5pm (Board Room)
25 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
8 Tue Board of Directors Retreat 9:30am-5pm (Matter Offices)
21 Mon Marketing Task Force 4:30-6pm (Conference Room A)
22 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
6 Tue Executive Committee 3:30-5pm (Board Room)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider matters related to individual employees.
7 Wed Education Task Force 2-4pm (San Jose State University)
8 Thu Strategic Planning Committee 12-1:30pm (Board Room)
22 Thu Board of Directors/Community Advisory Panel Meeting 3-6pm
(Computer History Museum)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider matters related to individual employees.
22 Thu Finance Committee 1:30-3pm (Computer History Museum)
27 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
28 Wed Major Gifts Committee 12-2pm (Board Room)
10 Tue Strategic Planning Committee 3-5:30pm (Board Room)
22 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
28 Mon Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Conference Room I)
3 Wed Major Gifts Committee 12-2pm (Board Room)
9 Tue Finance Committee 1:30-3pm (Conference Room I)
9 Tue Executive Committee 3:30-5pm (Conference Room I)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider matters related to individual employees.
10 Wed Strategic Planning Committee 3-5:30pm (Board Room)
15 Mon Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Conference Room I)
16 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
17 Wed Education Task Force 2-4pm (Board Room)
23 Tue Board of Directors Meeting 3-6pm (Board Room)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board
to consider matters related to individual employees.
13 Thu Retirement Committee 2-3pm (Conference Room I)
13 Thu Spectrum Task Force 2-4pm (Board Room)
14 Fri Education Task Force 12-2pm (Board Room)
14 Fri Investment Committee 3-5pm (Conference Room I)
19 Wed Major Gifts Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
21 Fri Strategic Planning Committee 1-2:30pm (Board Room)
25 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Board Room)
2 Tue Executive Committee 11:00am-12:30pm (Conference Room I)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider matters related to individual employees.
4 Thu Education Task Force 1-3pm (Conference Room I)
8 Mon Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Conference Room I)
11 Thu Board of Directors Meeting 3-6pm (KQED - changed from Silicon Valley Capital Club due to weather)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider matters related to individual employees.
11 Thu Finance Committee 1:30-3pm (KQED - changed from Silicon Valley Capital Club due to weather)
Created 10/8/2013, Updated 3/25/14, 10/17/14, 12-10-14, 1-28-15
KQED Board and CAP Contact Information:
KQED Board of Directors
c/o Corporate Secretary
2601 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
c/o Director, External Affairs
2601 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Copies of KQED's governing documents and conflict of interest policies are available upon request. Please contact Abby Staeble at 415-553-2337 or astaeble@kqed.org.