2016 KQED Board of Directors and Community Advisory Panel2016 KQED Board of Directors and Community Advisory Panel
KQED Board of Directors
Mark Perry
Vice Chair & Treasurer
Chuck Kissner
Vice Chair
Edward Lichty
Nancy Serrurier
KQED Board of Directors
Larry Baer, Hank Barry, Ray Bingham, Steve Bochner, John Buoymaster, Lee Caraher, Brian Cheu, Bruce Chizen, Simone Otus Coxe, Karen Edwards, Judy Estrin, Meg Garlinghouse, Nancy Farese, Chuck Kissner, Daphni Li, Edward Lichty, Julia Lopez, Kay Matthews, Ann O'Leary, Mark Perry, Raj Pherwani, Mike Ramsay, Jose Rivero, Nancy Serrurier, Camilla Smith, Roselyne Swig, Jay Yamada, John Yost
KQED Community Advisory Panel
Shadi Elkarra, Joanie Gillespie, Lauren Gucik, Douglas Hollie, Rabiah Khalid, Velma Landers, Sue Lee, Teresa Morales- Phillips, Jodi Schwartz, Beverly Yates, Brenda Montgomery, Grace Sonia Melanio, Mehdi Alhassani, Jennielynn Dino Rossi, Deldelp Medina, Eric Lewis, Kenny Gong, Victor Vazquez, Jaqui Guzman, Guisselle Nunez, Stevon Cook, Chris Punongbayan
KQED's Community Advisory Panel
(CAP) consists of community members who are responsible for advising the KQED Board of Directors on the needs of the diverse communities we serve.
Community Advisory Panel Meeting Schedule
All meetings will be held at KQED San Francisco in the Board Room (unless otherwise noted) 6:30-8:30pm
Wed, March 9
Tues, September 13 from 7-9pm
Tues, October 25 from 6:30-8:30pm
Board of Director Meeting Schedule
All meetings are held at KQED (2601 Mariposa Street, San Francisco, CA) unless otherwise noted. The schedule below is subject to change. Please call (415-553-2260) to confirm meeting times and dates or to get more information.
2016 Board Meetings
25 Mon Spectrum Task Force 3-4pm (Conference Room C)
26 Tue Nominating & Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
28 Thurs Executive Committee 10:30am-12pm
(Conference Room I) A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider proprietary matters
11 Thurs Board of Directors Meeting 3-6pm (Board Room)A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider proprietary matters.
11 Thurs Finance/Administration 2-3pm (Conference Room I)
23 Tue Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
24 Wed Major Gifts Noon-2pm (Board Room)
7 Mon Education Task Force 3-4:30pm (Board Room)
22 Tues Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
4 Mon Local /National Digital Infrastructure 2-4pm (Board Room)
12 Tues Board of Directors Retreat - All Day Retreat (Hewlett Foundation)
12 Tues The 360 Task Force All Day Board Retreat (Hewlett Foundation)
14 Thurs Retirement Committee 10-11am (Conference Room I)
26 Tues Nominating and Governance Meeting 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
28 Thurs Spectrum Task Force 3-4pm (Conference Room C)
28 Wed Local/National Digital Infrastructure 4-6pm (Board Room)
3 Tues Investment Committee 3-5pm (Conference Room I)
4 Wed Strategic Planning Committee 3-4:30pm (Board Room)
5 Thurs Education Task Force 3-4:30pm (Conference Room I)
10 Tues Executive Committee 10:30-Noon (Board Room) - A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider proprietary matters and matters related to individual employees.
23 Mon Local/ National Digital Infrastructure 3-5pm (Board Room)
24 Tues Board/CAP Meeting 3-6pm (Capital Club) - A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider proprietary matters and matters related to individual employees.
24 Tues Finance/Administration Meeting 1:30-3pm (Capital Club)
9 Thurs Major Gifts Meeting Noon-2pm (Conference Room I)
21 Tues Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
25 Mon Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Board Room)
No Meetings in August
1 Thurs Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Board Room)
8 Thurs Executive Committee 10:30-12pm (Conference Room I)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider proprietary matters and matters concerning individual employees.
22 Thurs Board of Directors Meeting 3-6pm (Board Room)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider proprietary matters and matters concerning individual employees.
27 Tues Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
11 Tues Education Task Force 3-4:30pm (Board Room)
26 Wed Spectrum Task Force 3-4pm (Conference Room C)
25 Tues Nominating and Governance Committee 4-6pm (Conference Room I)
2 Wed Major Gifts Committee 12-2pm ( Board Room)
10 Thurs Retirement Committee 10-11am (Conference Room I)
10 Thurs Investment Committee 3-5pm (Conference Room I)
11 Tues Education 3-4:30pm (Board Room)
15 Tues Nominating and Governance Meeting 4-6pm
(Conference Room C)
1 Thurs Executive Committee 10:30-12pm ( Conference Room I)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Committee to consider proprietary matters and matters concerning individual employees.
5 Mon Audit Committee 10-11:30am (Board Room)
15 Thurs Board of Directors 3-6pm (Board Room)
15 Thurs Finance and Administration Meeting 1:30-3pm
(Conference Room I)
A portion of this meeting was held in closed session to allow the Board to consider proprietary matters and matters concerning individual employees.
Copies of KQED’s governing documents and conflict of interest policies are available upon request. Please contact Abby Staeble at 415-553-2337 or astaeble@kqed.org.
View 2014 Board Meeting Schedule