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View KQED's Online Family Albums:
Oscar Castanon
Araceli Garcia y Jose Espinoza
Luis y Lourdes Hernandez

Martha Lopez
• Sheila Maynard
Lisa Rios
Carlos y Anabella Ventura

Jose y Pily Zamora Castellanos

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American Family Site

Maynard Family Album
I come from a large family of five girls and their names are Sandra, Elda, Xiomara, Jackie and my mother's name is Eleanor and I'm Sheila. Here is a photo of all of us together
taken in 1987 in Panama City, Panama when I was home for a visit. I grew up in Panama until my eldest sister and I moved to New York city when I was sixteen. Over the years some of my sisters have followed me to America so now I have sisters in Michigan, Texas and North Carolina.




Here is a photo of my mother's 60th birthday party in Panama. She is surrounded by her 6 sisters, a daughter and some friends.

Every year on the Fourth of July we participate in a Panamanian Reunion for people who migrated from Panama to the United States. It includes more than 4,000 people and we rent out 2 hotels. The reunion includes cruises, dinners, dances and picnics lasting over three days. It's a great chance to reunite with friends and family and meet new people.

Here are some pictures of my sons.

This project was funded by PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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