children illustrations how i coped when mommy died by brett hardy blake "" ""
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KQED provided the on-line edit for this film and shot the title sequence in studio.


How I Coped When Mommy Died is an inspiring half-hour documentary written by 13-year-old Brett Hardy Blake, who lost his mother to breast cancer when he was 10. Brett employs his mature insight and engaging humor to present his story in a moving, but not maudlin way. Brett's narrative takes the viewer on a personal journey as he talks openly about his feelings, from the fear during his mother's cancer to his numbness after her death. But, as Brett says, "The film is not just about my mother dying. It's about a life, a love, and just going on and being helped." It's about how, with the right support, individuals can survive and grow through the most tragic circumstances. Co-produced with Brett's Emmy-winning adoptive mother, Lori Hope, How I Coped When Mommy Died is important for anyone who has had to deal with a loss, or who has had to support someone grieving a death, divorce, or other personal tragedy.


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