Want to feature You Decide on your own website?

We have an automatically updating widget – available in two sizes – that will always feature our most recently posted activity.

We also have widgets that are specific to each of our unique activities, so you can choose which activity to feature on your website. And you can embed any individual full You Decide activity on your website.

This widget, available in two sizes, will always feature our most recently posted activity.

180 x 285:
300 x 250:

Widget and embed code for all the of You Decide activities to date is below.

Is a green economy the key to job growth?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/greenjobs_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Is college worth the investment?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/college_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Are your tax dollars well spent?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/taxes_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Should you walk away from an underwater mortgage?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/mortgages_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:810px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Is there better job opportunity in the suburbs?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/suburbs_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Does your job have a future?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/futurejobs_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Is now a good time to buy a home?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/ownrent_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Should the federal government pay for laid-off workers to go back to school?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/jobtraining_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Should you spend more money to help boost the economy?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/spendsave_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->

Is stimulus money for transportation and infrastructure going to the wrong states?

180 x 285:
300 x 250:
<!-- Begin YouDecide Embedded Activity -->
<iframe src="http://uw.kqed.org/youdecide/polls/stimulus_iframe.php" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:520px;height:510px;margin:0 auto;"></iframe>
<!-- End YouDecide Embedded Activity -->