Alameda County Races
Results are a combination of data provided by the Associated Press (AP) and county election offices. The AP calls winners by analyzing vote tallies and other election data. Check marks are used to denote a winner only when the AP calls a race.
Top candidate wins seat.
Alameda County
Passes with majority vote.
99% of votes countedAssociated PressThis percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
Race to Watch
Board of Supervisors, District 5
Top candidate wins seat.
Alameda County
Why does this race matter?
Supervisor Keith Carson’s decision to retire after eight terms launched one of the year’s most contested East Bay elections. The seat represents Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, Piedmont and part of Oakland on a board that will help shape various countywide policies, including those on housing, public health and law enforcement.
What does a county supervisor do?
Supervisors govern county programs and departments and approve the county budget. Their largest area of spending is traditionally health care and human services. Supervisors are also responsible for local jails and elections, and they make decisions on law enforcement and housing in unincorporated areas of the county. If a supervisor candidate receives over 50% of the vote in the primary, they take office for a four-year term. Otherwise, the top two candidates face off in the November general election.

Key Supporters
For Fortunato Bas
- Alameda County Labor Association, AFL-CIO
- Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
- California Nurses Association
- Fiona Ma, state treasurer
- Nancy Skinner, state senator
For Bauters
- Alameda County Firefighters, IAFF Local 55
- The Sierra Club
- Housing Action Coalition
- Keith Carson, supervisor, Alameda County
- Elisa Márquez, supervisor, Alameda County
Positions on Key IssuesCandidate summaries are based on interviews with the candidates, questionnaires, statements made at debates and public events, and past news coverage.
Alameda County has still not finalized its state-required eight-year roadmap for how it plans to provide housing to all residents. The state rejected an early draft this summer, citing among other things a need for additional tenant protections. If elected, what would you advocate to include in the final plan?
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors has been developing a plan for civilian oversight of the sheriff’s office since 2021, but has yet to approve anything. Do you believe civilian oversight of that office is needed, and if so, what should it look like?
The county’s public health care service — Alameda Health System (AHS) — provides care to tens of thousands of primarily lower-income residents every year. But it has long been struggling financially. What should the county do to ensure its financial stability?
Some county residents say they’re frustrated that the Board of Supervisors sometimes takes years to make decisions on certain particularly pressing issues, like sheriff‘s oversight and just-cause eviction protections for single family homes. What would you do to address the disconnect between the decision-making timeline that residents expect and what the board is actually able to deliver?
Last year, Alameda County established a reparations commission to study whether county policies discriminated against Black residents, and if so, come up with a plan to compensate those who have been harmed. Do you think the commission's work is a good use of county resources?
Race to Watch
Passes with majority vote.
99% of votes countedAssociated PressThis percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.
What would the measure do?
If approved, the recall would remove District Attorney Pamela Price from office, effective immediately. The county Board of Supervisors would appoint an interim district attorney to serve until the next regularly scheduled election in 2026, when voters would elect a new DA to finish out Price’s term, which ends in 2028. (Thanks to a 2022 state law, Price is serving an irregular six-year term. The next regular DA term, beginning January 2029, will go back to being a four-year term.) The recall needs a simple majority to be approved.
Yes Argument
Supporters of the recall blame Price’s policies, such as limiting sentencing enhancements and encouraging the use of the county’s diversion courts, for a steep rise in crime in the county last year. Some victims of crime have also pushed for the recall, alleging that they have not received adequate support from Price’s office.
No Argument
Opponents of the recall say it’s unfair to blame Price for a rise in crime that began during the pandemic, and argue it’s too soon to know the impact of her policies, less than two years into her term. They note the effort is funded primarily by a small group of wealthy individuals, who should be using that money to support jobs programs, mental health care and schools if they really cared about public safety.
Key Supporters
In Support
- Isaac Abid, HP Investors, LLC
- Philip Dreyfuss, partner, Farallon Capital Management
- Justin Osler, The Martin Group of Companies, LLC
- Holland Residential, Inc.
- Save Alameda For Everyone: Recall DA Price
In Opposition
- The ACLU of Northern California
- Asian Americans for Progressive Alameda
- Latino Task Force
- Oakland Rising Action
- Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
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Signed up.
More Results
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