Donor Story Transcript - Gregg and VictorDonor Story Transcript - Gregg and Victor
Gregg and Victor, KQED Legacy Society Members
Gregg (left) [00:00:00] I would say that KQED gives me just about everything I could want from from television. There's science and cooking and fun entertainment. It's a community treasure. Hi. I'm Greg.
Victor (right) [00:00:17] I'm Victor, and we've been living in Oakland for 35 years, and we've been together how long?
Gregg [00:00:24] 38 years, I guess.
Victor [00:00:25] That’s a long time. I love Check, Please! Bay Area on KQED. We had the great fortune of attending a KQED Legacy function where Leslie Sbrocco was present. We just enjoyed that immensely. I support KQED because I feel that I owe it to the next generation to have the same quality TV programing that I had. It is important for us to continue that legacy.
Gregg [00:00:58] So we've left KQED a gift in our living trust so that a percentage of our estate will go to KQED. Because I'm afraid if you don't, it will go away. And I can't imagine the Bay Area without it.
KQED Announcer [00:01:15] Shape the future of public media by including a gift to KQED in your estate plan. Call 415.553.2230 or visit